Author Topic: Encouraging Contributions and Third Party Development of Mods and Themes  (Read 8847 times)

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Offline ezForum

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Encouraging Contributions and Third Party Development

Contributions can be made by anybody no contribution is too small the team will review each contribution and will discuss if should be a feature part of the core or a modification.

Easy approval process for modifications and themes. Support both free and paid apps to appear on the modification and theme sites.

For mod and theme sites built in dedicated bugtracker/feature request for each project.

Rating system for mods/themes

Built in version control number back to the package manager useful for checking out of date modifications.

Out of date modifications and themes check via a task manager for themes/modifications hosted on allows forum admins to know if any of their software is outdated.

Themes can be installed by the package manager

Easy way for community members to upload translations to modification this always bugged me and then the modification author can approve them.

For themes look into integrating colorizethis appears to be an easy way for people to create their own color variations of a theme.

More to come!

Offline ezForum

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Will be reaching out to past mod/theme developers on SMF.
One thing that really discourages me from doing more free mods for SMF is i know the review time is months and the more complex the mod I make the longer it takes to review so it is better for me to write basic mods in that case.

Offline lordbaron

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Will be reaching out to past mod/theme developers on SMF.
One thing that really discourages me from doing more free mods for SMF is i know the review time is months and the more complex the mod I make the longer it takes to review so it is better for me to write basic mods in that case.


It would be great if ezForum had dedicated staff members whose only job is to review mods. The SMF apparently have to do other duties from what I know and have seen but this shouldn't be the case with ezForum.

By having a quick reviewing process, ezForum will encourage developers to submit their modifications and basically get them to increase their development production.